Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownie

These were very yummy!! 

I made these as a birthday gift for a friend. They were very inexpensive to make; just a box of brownie mix and some cookie dough. 

Of course you can make your own brownie and cookie mix from scratch but I was trying to save time. 

I used a greased ( I used cooking spray) cupcake pan and place the brownie mix in first then dropped a ball of cookie dough on top. Let it stay in oven for 20-25 min. Or until toothpick comes out clean. 

Take pan out of the oven and let cool for 10 min. Remove and enjoy!  Waa-lah! 

Pretty easy, right? 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Six- Layer Rainbow Cake

So my younger cousin, Hannah, just turned seventeen. She told me she wanted a rainbow cake. I immediately thought, "oh gosh, so many layers!" But I'm glad I did because it turned out awesome!! 

Due to time constraints, I used a box cake mix. I would be spending a lot of time coloring layers and stacking, so I didn't want to gamble with a cake recipie. Short cuts are easy for a reason :)   However, I made my cream cheese icing from scratch and it turned out great! 

Cake ingredients:
-Betty Crocker Golden Vanilla cake mix (2 boxes)
- prepare as directed

Cake directions:
1. I divided up the cake mixture into six equal portions into bowls. I believe it came out to 1 1/3 cup per layer
2. I colored each layer. I used Wilton Gel Food Coloring
3. Greased and floured each pan. Bake cake for 20-22 minutes
4. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Remove from pan and continue to cool layer. 

Icing ingredients
- 2 boxes of Philidelphia cream cheese
- 4 sticks of unsalted butter or 2 cups 
- 3-4 cups of powdered sugar (I add sugar to taste- can add more if you like)

Icing directions:
1. Make sure both butter and cream cheese is at room temperature. It must be mushy but not melted. Cream butter and cream cheese until well blended. 
2. Add sugar in one cup portions and blend after each addition. 
3. Continue to add until sweet to your taste or the stiffness you want. 

As I was making my icing I placed my cake layers in the freezer. I wanted to name sure they were firm enough to handle the stacking and able to ice with ease. Layer the cake as you like. I just went by the colors on the box :) to get the gradual rainbow effect. 

Overall the cake was very moist and the cream cheese icing was amazing! It was a hit!  It was just the right amount of sweetness.  

Hannah cutting the first piece

Friday, November 8, 2013

Easy Present Box Cake

So I have been wanting to do a fondant cake and my mother's birthday was coming up so I thought, perfect! Because of time constraints, I used a box cake mix. However, I made my own marshmallow fondant a few days before. I will post that tutorial later. 

I knew that working with fondant for the first time would be a new experience, so I wanted to make the experience as "easy" as possible, which is why I opted out of making my cake from scratch. Yes, I know; a shortcut. But they're called shortcuts for a reason. 

I used a Duncan Hines French Vanilla cake mix. Once everything was mixed, I poured the batter into a 9x13'' pan.  

After baking, I placed the cake on a rack to cool. After cooling for 10-15 minutes, I cut the cake in half. I did this to place icing in the middle. 

While the cake continued to cool, I prepared my butter cream icing. I used non-salted butter and powdered sugar. You can add milk to get the consistency you desire. More milk, more creamy and not as firm. Using less milk will make it firmer. 

After icing the cake, I placed it in the freezer to harden and secure the crumbs. I used Wilton's gel colors to tint my fondant. Took a lot of elbow grease; knead and knead until you get the color you want. Once the fondant was finally over the cake, I smoothed the corners and sides as well as the top. 

Next, I worked on the fondant bow and ribbons. I actually used a fondant roller cutter to cut the identical strips of fondant for the ribbon and bow. To get my bow to have some dimension, I stuffed saran wrap into the bow and then just pressed the edges together to conceal the saran wrap. 

I used regular water and a paint brush to use as "glue" to adhere the fondant ribbon and bow to the cake. Pretty easy. The water also gave the fondant a shiny appearance. 

The last thing I added was writing and a seashell boarder along the cake. I'm not very good at writing with icing, so I had to practice on wax paper a few times. 

I thought it turned out pretty good for my first time working with fondant! It was pretty sweet, with the homemade butter cream icing and marshmallow fondant. I kind of expected that, but cake is suppose to be sweet, right?!

Everyone loved it! Most of all, my Mom, and that's really all that mattered. 

Some things I would have done differently: 

1. Added another layer of cake instead of cutting the one layer in half. Possibly could have cut down on the richness. 
2. Added a bit more milk to my butter cream icing. As time went on, the icing became harder. So next time I'll make it more creamy to begin with. 

Hope you all enjoy! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Very First Blog Post

This is the start of something new for me- my very own blog, my own web presence. I have all of the usuals; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But I wanted something where I can really share my interests and things I like doing. I've wanted to start a blog for some time now, but things come up and stuff gets pushed back, but I've rededicated myself to my blog project. 

This blog will be all things me; stuff I love doing. Baking is one of my favorite things to do. I'm no expert baker, but the majority of my friends and family love my creations. I'm also pretty crafty and creative, so you'll certainly see some projects that interest me. I also love reading, nothing really creative about reading, but I come across some good books, so I'll want to share those great finds.